CHECKMATE in 6 with the Center Game! chess noob Quick Wins! #11

chess noob Quick Wins! is a new series of short videos, to demonstrate very quick wins! As a beginner, you become aware of the Scholar’s Mate and the Fool’s Mate, but neither of these show up in real games. However, there are tricky quick checkmates and wins that occur, even at the intermediate level of chess.

This was game by one of my subscribers (@ignominius99) – an amazingly aggressive 6 move win by checkmate!

This game started with the Center Game opening and seemingly my subscriber’s opponent with the Black pieces was unprepared. My subscriber set up an immediate attack on the weak f-pawn and CRUSHES Black! GG!

Game on

[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2022.11.02"]
[Round "-"]
[White "ignominius99"]
[Black "jplinst_zv"]
[Result "1-0"]
[Timezone "UTC"]
[ECO "C21"]
[ECOUrl ""]
[UTCDate "2022.11.02"]
[UTCTime "01:35:30"]
[WhiteElo "782"]
[BlackElo "775"]
[TimeControl "300"]
[Termination "ignominius99 won by checkmate"]
[StartTime "01:35:30"]
[EndDate "2022.11.02"]
[EndTime "01:36:36"]
[Link ""]

1. e4 e5 2. d4 {The Center Game. A provocative opening that forces an immediate response by Black.} 2... Nf6 $2 {And by playing passively, Black makes a serious mistake [+1.76]} 3. dxe5 Nxe4 4. Bc4 Nc6 $6 5. Qd5 {[%c_arrow
An immediate fork of the knight and f7 pawn (and mate in 1)} 5... Nc5 $4 {Black recognises the threat on material, but missed the mate in 1 $1} 6. Qxf7# $1
{[%c_effect e1;square;e1;type;Winner,e8;square;e8;type;CheckmateBlack] A
devastating checkmate in 6 moves $1} 1-0

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