πŸ”₯ Chessnut GO ARRIVED!!! πŸ€©β™ŸοΈπŸοΈ

πŸ”₯ Chessnut Store (Affiliate Link): https://www.chessnutech.com?sca_ref=4294516.IoYAy1V8Gt
πŸ”₯ Or use my coupon code for a discount on checkout: CHESSNOOB64

Today, I came home from work and discovered that the postman had left a parcel, and inside was the new, just about to be released, Chessnut GO! Chessnut has sent me the board to review.

Now, I own a Chessnut Air (my original purchase), which is a great electronic chess board for playing online on chess.com and Lichess, and has previously been the best in the Chessnut’s line up for travel. I’ve taken on flights previously and it fits inside carry on luggage – see this video of a trip I took to Hamilton Island last year.

However, the Air does have some heft (being made of wood) and it is large enough that taken it on travel, or out on a trip, is something to be done with consideration and purpose. For instance, I’ve never taken the Chessnut Air on a motorcycling trip as it will be too unwieldy to carry in my riding bag.

The Chessnut GO seeks to carve out a niche as Chessnut’s smallest electronic chess board, and one that is designed for portability and travel. It’s roughly the same size and weight as Apple’s 11-inch iPad Pro, and comes with its own protective carry case. Moreover, the pieces are magnetic, so won’t be easily displaced by movement or wind.

I’m really looking forward to putting the Chessnut GO through its paces over the new couple of weeks, including taking it out on a ride.

What you like to me to test and to comment on in the review! Please leave a comment!

Keep an eye out for the review video and article!

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